Elon Musk Is Handing Out Millions: Here’s What You Need to Know

Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Elon Musk, the billionaire genius behind Tesla, SpaceX, and X (formerly Twitter), is back at it again, but this time he’s not launching rockets or electric cars. Nope, he’s launching… million-dollar checks. That’s right, Musk is playing a very wealthy version of Santa Claus, and all you have to do to get on his “nice” list is sign a petition. In the name of democracy and protecting the U.S. Constitution, of course.

On Sunday, Musk handed out the second of 16 million-dollar checks as part of his plan to randomly select one lucky person each day to win big. How do you get your hands on that cash? Just sign a petition supporting some of Musk’s favorite constitutional rights, and you’re in the running. The giveaway will continue until November 5, the day before the election. Maybe it’s a sign of the times that nothing says “protect the Constitution” quite like dangling a million bucks in front of people.

The petition, sponsored by Musk’s political action committee, isn’t about just any random rights—it focuses on the First and Second Amendments. That’s right, the usual suspects: freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. These two constitutional heavyweights have been the centerpiece of political debates for years and are definitely worth protecting.

At a town hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Musk officially announced his million-dollar-a-day campaign. Each day, one person who signs the petition gets a shot at being a millionaire. The goal? According to Musk, it’s all about raising awareness of constitutional rights and reminding people how important these amendments are. Though, it’s hard to say if people are more interested in the rights or the cash prize.

But there’s more to this story than just dollar signs. Musk’s money-throwing stunt is also part of his open support for Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. Musk has complained that it’s been tough to get attention for his petition, mainly because the mainstream media hasn’t shown much interest. “Legacy media won’t report on it,” Musk grumbled. So, he’s taken it upon himself to go straight to the people with a more, let’s say, “incentivized” approach.  According to Musk, “This news, I think, is gonna really fly.”

Musk has also claimed that he’s been painted as “public enemy No. 2” by the media—right behind Trump, of course. He blames this on his support for the former president. “Enemy No. 2 of what? Like, democracy?” Musk joked, trying to shrug off the criticism. He insists he’s just fighting for the Constitution and fair elections, but some critics see it as a transparent PR stunt.

Let’s face it: Musk’s plan to protect constitutional rights by offering cash prizes is far from the usual political playbook. The petition he’s backing zeros in on two of the most talked-about amendments: free speech and the right to bear arms. You know, the usual “us versus them” topics that get people fired up every election season. But his unique approach is definitely turning heads.

Despite the fact that Musk’s million-dollar giveaway hasn’t been plastered across front-page headlines, it’s pretty clear what his goal is. By aligning himself with Trump and throwing money at voters, he’s trying to rally those who feel strongly about keeping these constitutional rights intact. Whether it’s working remains to be seen, but Musk seems to be banking on the idea that money talks.

Of course, traditional media hasn’t exactly been Musk’s biggest fan lately. In fact, they’ve been hammering him and conservative Republicans pretty hard, which has clearly rubbed him the wrong way. Musk believes that the media’s lack of attention on his petition might be why his campaign isn’t getting the spotlight he feels it deserves. Whether or not that’s true, one thing is certain: Musk is determined to be heard, even if he has to buy his way into the conversation.

While giving away cash to push a political message may seem odd, it’s definitely grabbing the attention of voters in key swing states. And as the 2024 election draws closer, Elon Musk’s influence in the political world will likely grow.