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David Peinado Romero / shutterstock.com

WH Quietly Promises to Keep Fueling the Border Crisis

If you’ve seen Biden’s recent poll numbers, you know that he’s worried about his chances for 2024. Then again, with secret back-door immigration policies...
bleakstar / shutterstock.com

An Uptick in Congressional Retirement is Good News for GOP in 2024

As we all know, 2024 brings us the opportunity to elect a new president. Additionally, it gives us a chance to change up some...
MargJohnsonVA / shutterstock.com

Why Gender Affirmation Continues to Be Problematic

Gender affirmation refers to a range of medical, psychological, and social practices aimed at aligning one's gender identity with their external appearance or biology....
Bobex-73 / shutterstock.com

New Antibody Therapy Controls 92 Percent of Severe Asthma Cases

A promising new monoclonal antibody treatment has been shown to reduce the symptoms of the most severe asthma sufferers by as much as 92%....
BaLL LunLa / shutterstock.com

Top Vaccines Recommended by the CDC

It can be difficult to know what you should and shouldn't get when it comes to vaccines. How do you take the necessary precautions...
JuliaDorian / shutterstock.com

Republicans Aren’t Making Any Friends With Unrealistic Abortion Bans 

A funny thing happened on the way to the polls in November 2023. Millions of voters decided that abortion access was a far greater...
Andy.LIU / shutterstock.com

Broken Record: Democrats Offer Border Security Later in Exchange for Amnesty Now

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before. If Senate Republicans will agree to pass an amnesty package for the 15 million illegal aliens...
Pormezz / shutterstock.com

SF Sets New Record for Worst Year of Overdoses

In the face of increasingly lax laws regarding drug possession, use, and overall crime, San Francisco has turned into a shell of its former...
Bilanol / shutterstock.com

Home Explodes As VA Police Confront Man With Flare Gun

Around 4:40 pm Eastern, officers replied to a call for shots fired on the 800 block of N Burlington in Arlington, Virginia. During a...