Researchers Find the Key to Making Cancer Cells Emo

S. Singha /
S. Singha /

Over the past few decades, researchers have hoped to make a major breakthrough in the battle with cancer and how they treat this invader. Many have hoped that since these cells grew out of nowhere, they might have a chance of finding out how to make them emo. While these cells won’t cut themselves out, they could find a way to get the cells to try and cut themselves up to be easily destroyed.

UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center has been studying the ways these cells interact inside the body, and they have not identified a way to make these cells die off. According to a UC Davis press release, “CD95 receptors, also known as Fas, are called death receptors. These protein receptors reside on cell membranes. When activated, they release a signal that causes the cells to self-destruct.”

This is all possible using CAR T-cell therapy, according to a piece by The Daily Mail. Their report notes how T-cells are caught, modified, and returned. This means the cells that fight infection and disease that miss cancer are suddenly in tune and destroying it.

Jogender Tushir-Singh is an associate professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and the senior author of the study. Originally published in the Nature Journal- “Cell Death & Differentiation” in October, the study shows groundbreaking potential for changing the face of modern medicine. Thus far, his work has only proven useful for leukemia and other blood cancers. When facing solid tumors like those found in bowel, breast, or lung cancer, these CAR T-cells are ultimately ineffective.

Speaking with Fox News about the study, Tushit-Singh is incredibly optimistic about the potential these cells have unlocked. “Despite being decently successful in liquid tumors, such as leukemia spectrum cancers, long-term remission remains the biggest challenge for CAR T-cell therapies…Modulating Fas may also extend the benefits of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy to solid tumors like ovarian cancer. Previous efforts to target this receptor have been unsuccessful. But now that we’ve identified this epitope, there could be a therapeutic path forward to target Fas in tumors.”

Just finding an opportunity like this is huge news. While it’s not the perfect answer many are looking for, it has tremendous potential; the CD-95 boosting drugs from this research aren’t on the market yet, or even in clinical trials. With current pricing projections at $500,000 per treatment or more, this could still be decades from being viable for many.

For decades, people across the globe have spoken about the same universal truth- researchers don’t want to cure cancer or other illnesses. They want to treat it to keep you sick as long as possible so they can maximize profit per treatment. Now, people like Tushir-Singh are fighting back against the system to provide people with the cures and answers they have been missing.

While the mainstream media has kept this news from you, it’s no wonder. Any achievement in these diseases is often silenced as needing more research, being unproven, or having conflicting results. Yet just like ivermectin for COVID proved to be the real deal, these CD-95 cells have a tremendous ability to be proven as the answer for cancer.

Getting the answers to these diseases has been a dream for people across the globe for years now. We want to save our fellow man and do the right thing by allowing everyone a chance at a long life. While some deaths cannot be prevented, or the damage is done too quickly and too thoroughly, research like this is the cornerstone for making the types of advancements in modern medicine that bring people back from the brink of death.